카탈루냐 전투는 다시 시작됐다

1999년부터 예술가들이 스쾃(점거)해 운영하고 있는 샹젤리제 끝에 위치한 예술공간 리볼리59(Rivoli59) 로베르네집. 검은 현수막에는 “안티 스쾃 법률 : 마크롱은 홈리스, 빈민, 스쾃 운동 등에 대한 처벌을 중단하라!”고 적혀 있다.
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▲ 12월 15일 오후 2시경. 파리시립현대미술관 옆에서 경찰이 4시간가량 300여 명을 반 감금상태로 고착시키고 있었다.
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▲ 깨진 유리창 옆에 쓰인 A.C.A.B. ‘All Cops Are Bastards!’(모든 경찰은 나쁜 녀석들이다)의 약자다. 2008년 금융자본주의 위기 이후 활동가와 사회주의자들은 ‘All Capitalist Are Bastards!’(모든 자본가들은 나쁜 녀석들이다)로 의미를 전유해 해석하기도 하고, 반차별·반인종주의자들은 ‘All Colors Are Beautiful!’(모든 색깔들은 아름답다)이라는 의미로 쓰기도 한다.
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▲ 불에 그을린 자동차 앞 청년들
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▲ 파리 2구역 노란조끼 시위대
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▲ 누군가 의류매장을 공격해 마네킹에 노란조끼를 입혀놓았다.
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▲ 12월 8일 파리 10구역 솅 데니스 기념비 인근에서 불에 타고 있는 쓰레기통과 주변 목재들. 거리 곳곳마다 마크롱 정권을 향한 민중들의 분노가 불타올랐다.
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▲ “자본주의가 사회를 망쳤다. 미래는 공산주의이다” – LO(노동자투쟁)
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▲ 12월 15일 오전 11시경. 에투알 개선문 앞 샹제리제 거리를 경찰이 오도 가도 못하게 가로막았다.
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- 덧붙이는 말
- 사회주의, 민주노조, 장기투쟁사업장을 애착하는 활동가로, 촬영 당시 전 유럽으로 퍼져나가고 있는 노란조끼 운동의 중심지인 프랑스 파리에 체류 중이었다.
update: 2019년 1월 8일 15:04
연관된 다른 기사
Lorsque vous entrez un lien en ligne, l’article contient une série de photos. J’ai traduit les descriptions des photos en français dans l’ordre.
Français gilet jaune demonstration – 1789 1871 1968 2018?
8 janvier 2019, numéro 50, INTERNATIONAL
▲ L’espace artistique Rivoli 59 Chez Robert, où se trouvait le lieu des artistes depuis 1999, accroupi et opérationnel, situé au bout des Champs-Élysées. Sur la pancarte noire, il était écrit: “Loi anti-squat: arrêtez la punition, Macron! propos du mouvement des sans-abri, des pauvres et des accroupis!”
Kim Jeong-do
(* Additional words (Introducing Kim Jeong-do)
activist. Socialism, struggling democratic labor’s unions, and who have a particular attachment to long-term struggle workplaces, and was in Paris, France, the center of the yellow vest movement spreading throughout Europe at the time of filming.)
▲ 15 décembre vers 14h. À côté de la galerie municipale d’art contemporain de Paris, la police a bloqué près de 300 personnes pendant environ quatre heures, nous étions donc à moitié détenus.
▲ A.C.A.B. se trouve à côté de la fenêtre brisée. C’est l’acronyme “Tous les policiers sont des bastards!” Après la crise capitaliste financière de 2008, activistes et socialistes ont réinterprété de manière appropriée les mots “Tous les capitalistes sont des bastards!” Antidiscrimination et antiraciste ont interprété le sens comme suit. “Toutes les couleurs sont belles!
▲ Des jeunes gens se tiennent devant une voiture légèrement bronzée près du feu.
▲ Gilet jaune manifestants dans le 2 arrondissement de paris.
▲ Quelqu’un a attaqué le magasin de vêtements et a mis un gilet jaune sur le modèle de la rue.
▲ Le 8 décembre, ordures et produits en bois seront brûlés sur la 10ème avenue parisienne, près du monument Saint-Denis. La colère sur Macron a brûlé les rues.
▲ “Le capitalisme gaspille la société et l’avenir est le communisme” – LO
▲ La police a arrêté les Champs-Elysées et l’Arc de Triomphe aux alentours de 11 heures le 15 décembre. Les gens ne pouvaient pas entrer ou sortir.
This article is the series of photos. I have translated the descriptions in the photos into English in order. I will now translate it into French.
French yellow vest manifestation – 1789 1871 1968 2018?
Jan. 8, 2019, Issue 50, INTERNATIONAL
▲ The art space Rivoli 59 Chez Robert where the place of artists since 1999, squatting(occupied) and operating, located at the end of the Champs-Elysees. On the black placard, it was written, “Anti-squatting law : Stop the punishment, Macron! About homelessness, the poor, and the Squatting movement!”
Kim Jeong-do
▲ December 15 at around 2 pm. Next to the municipal contemporary art gallery in Paris, the police blocked almost 300 people for about four hours so we were in a semi – detained situation.
▲ Next to broken window, was written A.C.A.B. It’s an abbreviation for “All Cops Are Bastards!” Since the 2008 financial capitalism crisis, activists and socialists have appropriated and interpreted the meaning as ‘All Capitalist Are Bastards!’, and anti-discriminatory and anti-racists interpreted the meaning as ‘All Colors Are Beautiful!
▲ The youth people who in front of slightly burned car.
▲ Yellow vest protesters in 2nd arrondissement of paris.
▲ Someone attacked the clothing store and clothed a yellow vest on the mannequin on the street.
▲ On December 8th in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, near the Saint-denis Monument, litter garbage boxes and products of wooden were on fire. Everywhere in the streets, the anger of the people toward the Macron’s regime was burning.
▲ “Capitalism rots society, the future is communism” – LO (workers struggle)
“Le capitalisme pourrit la société. L’avenir est au communisme ” – LO (lutte ouvrière)
▲ On December 15, around 11 am, the police blocked the Champs-Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe. To block the people coming and going.
* Additional words (Introducing Kim Jeong-do)
activist. Socialism, struggling democratic labor’s unions, and who have a particular attachment to long-term struggle workplaces, and was in Paris, France, the center of the yellow vest movement spreading throughout Europe at the time of filming.